At auspicious times in history, a sacred spiritual teaching is given to humanity that is relevant to the steps of evolution of humanity at that time. Higher Self Yoga is a spiritual teaching given to humanity at this time. It has its foundation in ancient wisdom teachings given to humanity thousands of years past. It is given for spiritual growth to move and evolve the world forward along the path of true humaneness.
A most important aspect of Higher Self Yoga, founded by Nanette Hucknall, is the conscious awareness of the dynamic nature of the basic unity and mutual interrelation of all that exists in the universe. All is one in its essential nature and intrinsic essence. All is dynamic, alive, rhythmically flowing and ever moving and changing in its cosmic order that is life. All life in all its forms, including each and everyone of us, is interconnected, interdependent and inseparable from the cosmic whole. Every thing and event, indeed all manifestations in the world, are but different aspects of the same all-embracing, unifying life force, the same universal oneness.
As humans we are not aware of this oneness and divide the world into separate objects and events. Division may be necessary for us to cope with our everyday way of being in the world; however, it is an abstraction forged by our own intellectual mind. We need to liberate our mind from its divisive consciousness, become consciously aware of our participatory interrelation with all things and events within this dynamic unity of the life force, transcend our perception of an isolated individual self, and recognize our oneness with this ultimate Realty, or Source.
This process of conscious awareness is not merely an intellectual act but involves linking with our Higher Self through our heart, the energy center in the center of our chest, and experience our whole being at one with our Higher Self, at one with the ultimate Reality, or Source. As humans we strive to return to the Source.
Returning to the Source is the path of Higher Self Yoga. It is a path of transcending our ordinary way of perceiving who we think we are and becoming aware of who we know we are and becoming one with it. Such perception can be achieved through an inner transformation, the transmutation of the lower nature into a higher state of being and come to know our true identity.
As a quest for wholeness, Higher Self Yoga focuses on right thoughts, right words, right conduct, right goals, right relationships, and living a moral way of life in balance, harmony and unity with all of life. It is a path of the living ethics of life that encompasses moral ideals and behavior as the central aspect of a meaningful life and includes right action for the greater good.
(This material incorporates ideas from Higher Self Yoga teachings.)